Here are some activities all about transport
This is a theme which could run through yours days for several weeks. For the vocabulary start with colour, and introduce new colours as each one is secure
For size and position, start with “big and small etc” then move on the “bigger and smaller” finally “biggest and smallest” in front of etc
With numbers, go from 1 thing through to 3. Counting is the first thing a little child will be able to do, understanding what the number mean will come later
There are some lovely things to do, you need to read this through and gather together the things you will need
Today’s book-“My First Trucks and Diggers Let’s Get Driving” Board book DK
Talk about the story, Talk about “When I’m a big boy/girl…..” ” I would like to drive a…..” “What does this one do?”
Watch this short film
Talk about
The different colours. What colour is this?
The different sizes. Big, little, bigger, smaller, biggest, smallest, heavy, light, heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest, tall, small, taller, smaller, tallest, smallest.
Position. Forward, backwards, in front, behind,
General Clean, dirty, wash, dry
The types and names of the trucks. What does this one do? What is it called?
Activity 1 Positional words
Find some large cardboard boxes to make different sized garages. You will need several of different sizes
You will need some “parking” space too. Try to put your garages where you can use using them daily.
Activity 2. Free play, sort the trucks into the garages and parking places by colour, then by shape, by size, by position etc Use the vocabulary above.
Activity 3. Increase the scope of the vocabulary. Size. Emphasis big but bigger, tall but taller, in front of etc
Activity 4. Colour. Talk about the basic colours first red, yellow, blue, green, black, white.
Activity 5. Bath time. Put some lorries in the bath. Pretend the bath is a car wash. Wash and dry them
Activity 6. Song. The wheels on the truck go round and round!
Activity 7. Play Outside. Find a ramp or plank
big enough for the trucks to roll down, and lean is on a low wall or similar, watch the trucks roll down. See how far they go. Put a marker where they end up. Which one went the furthest? Which one this time?
Activity 8. Counting, help the children to count to 1 or 2. How many green trucks and how many trucks in this garage? What about the number of engines in each? Increase to three, but stop there. You can count further when they are ready, but stop at three for understanding