All of these activities can be done at home with the help of your computer or books, however if you can get out and about there are some interesting things to do in the fresh air
Communication and Language. Literacy
Read The Snowman by Raymond Briggs
Use a version with no text.
Can you see anything different about this book? – i.e. that it has no words.
Talk about how they can tell what has happened in the story.
Create a book with no words together. Talk about the sequence of events in your story
It can be The Snowman story, or it can be your own story
I can – draw a story without words in a sequence
I can – add words if I want to
Snowball ladder game
You will need a ladder drawn on a piece of paper each, with numbered rungs to 1 to 10, a white counter and a dice .
I can – roll the dice, count the spots and move my counter that number of places up the ladder. The winner gets to the top first
You can extend the ladder to 15 and then 20.
Snowballs in a bag.
You will need a bag and 10 ping pong balls (or any item you can stick numbers on) Label your 10 items from 0 to 9. Place the balls into a bag. You need your number ladder
I can – pull out 1 ball and count the numbers with the counter on the ladder (perhaps 3) and then pull out a second ball (2) Your counter is now on 5.
I can – see that 3 and 2 more is 5.
Keep playing the game of “1 more”
Talk about “1 more than” as you go through your day together
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Talk about the festivals that we may celebrate during winter, for instance Christmas. Discuss feelings associated with the festival you’ve chosen such as excitement, anticipation, happiness.
I can – talk about my festival and know it will be coming soon and look forward to it
Keeping warm
Talk about how we keep warm in the winter. Talk about the difficulties older people may have keeping warm. Discuss warm clothing. You may have some clothes to take to a charity shop, or you may go there to get some.
I can – draw warm clothes
I can – stay warm in my winter clothes
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Physical Development
It you have snow, choose your warm clothes and play with the snow
I can – build a snowman
I can – sledge down a hill (you can use a tray)
With no snow use your ping pong balls
Talk about how far you can throw your snowball etc Try hitting an object with your ping pong ball. Try juggling!!!
Expressive Art. Cooking
Snowflake biscuits
Use the biscuit recipe to make biscuits. Use a cutter to cut out snowflake shapes.
I can – Make biscuits
I can – Decorate them with white icing and hundreds and thousands.
I can – Eat them for my tea!!!
Snowy splatter pictures
You will need white paint, paint brushes, black paper and a table covered in newspapers! (you can do this outside)
I can – load my paint brush with white paint and then ‘flick’ the brush to create splatters over the paper.